Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Am

Have you ever had one of those moments in life where you look into the "figureatively speaking" mirror and resemble that of Chicken Little running around with your head up your ass (relax I meant it as a synonym for your donkey) frantically awaiting the world to come crashing down on you?  Pause for a second and literally imagine that. You, superimposed as a small chicken in some sick cartoon where your head is shoved up this great large but short legged animal that resembles that of a defected horse. I know I'm a sick human being, but relax and let this be a lesson learned to LIGHTEN UP. (This is already beginning to sound like the works of another Shrek sequel).

Breathe a little, giggle, ok ok, if you didn't find me at all funny a small courtesy laugh will do. (I was serious about the courtesy laugh).

This phrase "Lighten Up" is one that I often have to remind myself to take into account. You see although I can often be characterized as having a good sense of humor, I often tend to wear my heart on my sleeve when the matter regards me or my personal affairs. So what I'm basically trying to say here is that it's funny when it happens to you, not me...

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Not but really...

This last weekend I had the privilege of having one of America's greatest success coaches Dr. Dave Martin tell me loud and proud to take a load off and freaking lighten up already. (Well me and about 200 other Newport Church service attendees). But I swear I felt like he specifically planned this entire message for me. He helped me realize again for the 9999999th time ( I must not have been an elephant in a previous life because I always seem to forget) that today marks the best day of the rest of my life, and so does tomorrow and the next and the days after that. Your life can change in  24 hours if you allow it. It's happened before and it can happen again.

Life is not about always trying to find a miracle to put the pieces back together but to find wisdom through the situation so that next time your pieces are all over the place and all up in yo face, it won't be so hard trying to put them back in order again. Learn by living and learn by doing, and become a little wiser in the midst of it.

"The more wisdom you have, the less miracles you need". Grow wise in Him and He will make your paths straight.

God always serves life with a side of lemons. Its up to you to decide what to do them. To make lemonade or not to make lemonade? (I'm all for a little spike for the willing) Or rather, to throw them at my head for writing something so insanely optimistic ...

I suggest investing in a donkey like this... so you have to think of a wiser place to shove your head...
(Image taken from: http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/32000/Two-Headed-Donkey-32469.jpg)

-The Missing Lync


  1. Some donkeys may take offense to this...but I found it hilarious and thoughtful. Keep 'em coming...God gave you a gift in being able to make people laugh!

  2. Bring on the spike and smile all the time.

  3. really great !!! love the quotes they are ... thought provoking to say the least.. lol.

  4. love it Lync! You've always had a knack for awesome writing. Love you!
